Friday, March 2, 2012

Notching in and levelling floor joists

I want this cabin to start rising so badly! Before I could do any more work on the walls I had to build something to stand on. The next step was to install floor joists for what will eventually be the floor. I can’t complete the floor until the cabin is roofed in, but with the joists there, I can step on them and use them as a platform to build the walls. I cheated on this step and went to the lumber yard to buy up some 2x6s. I could have cut smaller logs and notched them in, but I got lazy on this part. I was so anxious to just get it done that I went ahead and bought some milled lumber. This isn’t keeping with the wholly hand-build goal I had, but I’ll just have to be reconciled with that.
Making sure the joist is level across

To install the floor joists, I measured across the middle and 4 inches deep into each side base log.  This gave me the length to cut the 2x6 joist. 

Notching the log one cut at a time
I cut a notch into each side base log and one notch in the middle one and leveled them so the joist would sit straight and level.  Then I measured and cut the next set of notches so it was not only level across, but level with the previous joist.  This ensured a smooth level floor. 

Joist sitting solidly in the notch
Each notch was cut one chainsaw width at a time, then carved out with a chisel and mallet. The job went slowly but my system worked out well. 

When the last joist was laid in place, I put the level across different boards and angles and every time was level and true! 

Now that I have the floor joists in place, I have sure footing for the next step in the process: raising the walls! Stay tuned in for a blog post about the joys and dangers of raising walls, one log at a time!

Halfway done with the joists


  1. Feel free to leave your comments! I'd love to hear your feedback on the project.

  2. Hi Ryan,
    It has been a few years since you posted but do you have any updates on the project? I only just found your blog but am interested to see how it turned out and what sort of problems you encountered and what you did to get past them. It looks a great project and I hope it has turned out well for you. All the best.
